Stories: Down the Chain
Ropa Sport - Mexico

A Vision for Sustainability

Marcos Nahmad, General Director of Ropa Sport, has a great heart for family, people and cotton.

Since inception, Ropa Sport has been dedicated to cotton and joining the Cotton LEADS℠ program inspired them to create a vision for sustainability – and to make changes to properly use natural resources and ensure they are available to future generations.

Ropa Sport sees people and the planet as the future of their company – and one way to make the world a better place.

They have reduced the use of plastic bags by replacing them with bags made of recycled fabric to move product. To reduce energy, Ropa Sport increased production controls to avoid the use of electric plates and steam. This change also contributes to a pleasant work environment for employees. Not only does Ropa Sport offer a safe place to work, they also offer 100+ employees benefits. A few additional changes in their plants have allowed them to further reduce energy – and actually produce it. Ropa Sport changed their plant designs to take advantage of the natural air current to avoid the use of electric fans. Currently, they are in the process of changing the lighting to a LED system requiring low energy consumption and implementing solar panels to take advantage of our natural resources.

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